Thursday, 3 May 2007

Two days in

It's been a day since I stepped off the plane. If you ever get the chance to fly Air China don't. And if you ever fly with Virgin make sure it's a Virgin plane and not an Air China on behalf of Virgin plane. For the record, there is absolutely nothing on behalf of Virgin and almost nothing on behalf of Air China either. No pre-take off announcement, no updates from the captain, no movies and no food until 3.30 am when we get the most unenjoyable brekafast I ever have to spit back in a box. But they love a bit of spitting over here so I doubt that offended anyone.

It is at least on time and without major incident (like engines falling off - that type of thing). Get through immigration easily enough - they have a customer satisfaction survey before you actually are a customer so, taking no risks, I say I am very satisfied and I think that got me a free ride through the whole ordeal. Hostel is nice and simple. I'm in a 4 bed dorm with a swedish guy, an american girl and an australian girl. The shower is on the other side of the building and so far I've not waited less than 10 minutes - both times the same israeli was in there singing away in ignorance of my needs. This is the sacrifice I make for meeting's not worth it, they are all idiots.

I spend the day walking around Tianeman and the park behind the forbidden city. With it being the national holiday this week I am not alone. And they've shut all the factories for the holiday which means no smog, clear blue skies and 32 degree heat.

As for food...Rubbish. If I tried to feed some of this stuff to a dog the RSPCA would no doubt prosecute me. In fact a lot of it probably is dog so I'd get done twice. I haven't got ill yet, but sometimes I wish I was throwing up just to take the taste away. And they love oil - on everything. Losers!

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